Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Result of Amniotic Fluid Test

After three weeks of Amniotic Fluid Test, finally I got the result of my test yesterday. The test came out that my baby is normal and it is 46 XY. When I heard the doctor saying that my baby is normal, I felt much less presure. Thanks God for giving me a normal baby with two arms, two legs and a healthy body.

As before, I did not even know I was pregnant, I took a lot of medicine such as Acne medications, constipations, and loosing weight pills. When I knew I was pregnant, I stoped all these medications. At the same time, I was eager to know if my baby will be healthier or not.

Now, I can relax and do not worry about my baby anymore. Also, I asked the doctor what is 46 XY? He said 46 is the number that shows it is normal. If it is abnormal it will be 36 or below. XY means, you will have another baby boy. If it is 46 XX that means 46 is normal and XX means it is girl. Alan was there, he listened to what doctor said, at that time, he was so happy.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Now, I am week 19th. I am very happy that my baby is normal. Last time I did the Amniotic Fluid Test, I was worried about the results. Today when I went to the doctor, the doctor said, I will have a normal child. I am very happy to hear that.

Also, the doctor showed me ultrasound, the baby's head is really big. his arms, hands are big also. He is growing well in my tummy, I am very happy. Alsn went with me to the doctor and he was also happy but at the same time, he is very sad because of his test.

The doctor also suggests me that on the 21 week, I need to do 3D ultrasound. So we can see baby's organs. I am very excited about it.

Experts says:
How Big is the Baby at 19 Weeks Pregnant?
By pregnancy week 19 your baby may be as big as 6 inches long and may weigh up to 8.5 ounces! Between 19 weeks pregnant and the time you deliver your baby it will increase in size by more than 15 times! The growth that occurs each week by week from here on out is truly remarkable.

Your Baby's Growth and Development
By pregnancy week 19 your baby is starting to produce meconium, the baby's first bowel movement. When your baby is born she will start passing meconium the first few days of life. Meconium is very normal but can sometimes turn dangerous. Typically when babies are developing they ingest and then excrete amniotic fluid every day. Meconium is a combination of this build-up of material including amniotic fluid that occurs during pregnancy. Typically it is greenish-black in color and tarry upon excretion. Usually your baby will pass this after delivery. There is however a risk if your baby passes meconium while you are still pregnant. Usually this is a sign of fetal distress. Meconium passed in utero can mix with amniotic fluid and sometimes get into the baby's lungs, which can cause complications after delivery including pneumonia.

Typically the only way to tell if the baby has passed meconium is after the birth. When your water breaks if the water is clear your baby should be fine. If your baby has passed meconium the amniotic fluid may be yellowish or greenish. Your healthcare provider will use a DeLee suction to remove the meconium from your baby's airway prior to their first breath, to prevent aspiration of the meconium in the respiratory system.

There is no way to influence whether or not your baby will pass meconium in utero. The good news is that most babies do not, so you shouldn't worry about it. Your healthcare provider will be well equipped to handle the situation should it arise at delivery.

Your baby is also producing vernix during 19 weeks pregnant, which is a white sticky substance that covers your baby's skin to protect it from it's environment. Remember your baby is packed in fluid for nine months. The vernix will keep your baby's skin looking soft and supple.

By pregnancy 19 weeks your baby's brain is also forming pockets to specialize in smell, taste, hearing, vision and even touch. By pregnancy week 19 if you are having a girl she already has produced six million eggs in her ovaries, though this number will decrease by 4 million by the time your newborn baby is born.

Your Growth and Development
By 19 weeks pregnant your uterus should now be just below your belly button. You may notice that your lower abdomen is somewhat achy due to its increased size and pulling on the round ligaments. Round ligament pain is a very common discomfort at 19 weeks of pregnancy.

Changes in You
It is not uncommon to find your balance shifting during pregnancy at 19 weeks. Remember your center of gravity is off. You may notice it is more difficult to walk down or up hill with your changing center of gravity. You may also start feeling dizzy or lightheaded, which is a fairly common side effect of pregnancy. Typically you'll notice these symptoms when you change posture, a condition referred to as postural hypotension. This is low blood pressure that results from a change in position, such as a sudden leap from sitting to standing.

Sometimes the uterus also places pressure on the aorta and vena cava, two large vessels that supply blood to the body. The aorta transfers blood from the heart to the body and the vena cava brings the blood from the body back to the heart. When these vessels are compressed, you get hypotension due to the slowing of blood circulating through your body. This is called supine hypotension, which may result in a feeling of being faint or dizzy when you lie down. Typically you can relieve the symptoms of dizziness or faintness resulting by supine hypotension by lying on your side instead of your back. Either side you lay on will relieve the pressure on the large vessels and increase your blood flow back to your heart. In a few minutes, you will feel like yourself again.

Other causes of dizziness or light-headedness may include too low or too high blood sugar. Be sure that you are eating several mini meals per day and not skipping any meals. This should help alleviate the problem.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Since I am pregnant with Andrew, my face changed dramatically. I am having so much acne on my face. As before I did not have any acne, but now it is horrible that my entire face is all with acne. I am so scared of it, I want to get out of this already.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week 18

Now, I am feeling much pressure. Alan started his school already and he has some problem in his math. 5th Grade math for him is very difficult. If he can do it much better, it will be better for him. I am very worry about Alan.

Also, I need ot take care of my unborn baby. I cannot get too much stress on many things. I should take things easily, so my baby will be healthier.

Tips form experts:

How Big is the Baby at 18 Weeks Pregnant?
By 18 weeks pregnant your baby is now 5.6 inches long and weighs 6.7 ounces!
Your Baby's Growth and Development
By pregnancy week 18 your baby's heart is developed enough to show some signs of defects. Ultrasound may be used to help detect any structural abnormalities that might exist. Most babies will be born without any congenital abnormalities. If an early ultrasound does detect something abnormal, you can plan ahead for any interventions or surgeries that may be necessary to support your newborn baby after birth.

At pregnancy week 18 your baby is now starting to produce a protective covering along the nerves, called Myelin. This substance will be produced through the ninth month. By now your baby's genitals should be distinguishable, though you may not yet have the opportunity to view them at your health care practitioner's office.

Your Growth and Development
You should be able to feel your uterus now just below your bellybutton. You should definitely be showing a bit by now. Most women will have gained anywhere from 10 to 15 pounds at this point in time, though some will have gained less and some more. Your uterus is the size of a small melon by this point in time.

Changes in You
Sleeping might start to get a bit more uncomfortable as your belly continues to expand during pregnancy 18 weeks and beyond. One of the best things you can do during your pregnancy is lie on your left side, particularly during the third trimester. This will help prevent your uterus from compressing a vein in your body called the inferior vena cava. This vein helps return blood back to your heart. If you haven't invested in a whole body pillow at this point, you might consider one soon.

Most women will undergo an ultrasound sometime between 18 weeks pregnant and 20 weeks pregnant. An ultrasound is typically ordered to help detect birth defects and ensure that the baby is growing properly. Your healthcare provider will examine your baby's placenta and umbilical cord and also determine whether or not the due date you have estimated is likely to be correct.

Many women have their husband join them during their ultrasound visit so they can enjoy the experience of seeing their miniature newborn baby together.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Week 17

My unborn baby should get bigger and bigger. In this 17 weeks, I do not feel that my tummy is getting bigger. I am just feeling a little movement in my tummy. I can eat much better. I am hungry all the time, but I am afraid if I ate too much, I will have very difficult delivery.

When I had my first child, I did not have any problems in terms of eating, but this one, I do not know why I did not feel eating in the early weeks.
I need to get more healthy food for the baby and myself. My son Alan is always helping me to take care of me. He is worrying about me all the time, too.

In the following are some tips from experts:

How Big is the Baby at 17 Weeks Pregnant?
Your baby is 5.1 inches by pregnancy week 17 and weighs almost 5 ounces! If you were to hold your baby at 17 weeks pregnant, she would fit snuggly in the palm of your hand.

Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby during week 17 is now very mobile, gleefully moving his joints here, there and everywhere and will continue to do so as you continue your pregnancy week by week. The cartilage making up the skeleton in your baby's body is starting to transform into bone. At pregnancy 17 weeks time your baby should be hearing things. Your baby will start putting on some layers of fat in the weeks to come, though at this point in time your baby is made up of primarily water.

You may be feeling your baby move intermittently after pregnancy week 17, though as your pregnancy progresses you will likely start feeling your baby move more and more.

There are many natural health practitioners that believe in the power of touch. Though your little one is still very small, your touch may do much to help him feel safe and warm inside the womb. If you haven't started already, you might consider rubbing your 'pooch' in calming circular motions. This will not only help comfort your little one, but will help initiate the bonding process with you and your newborn baby throughout your pregnancy and after.

Other women find comfort when playing music to their unborn children. There is evidence suggesting that your baby responds to music even while in the womb. Thus, there is no harm in playing some calm and engaging music to your baby even while they are in the womb.

Your Growth and Development
At 17 weeks pregnant your uterus will start changing shape as your pregnancy progresses, to resemble an egg shape instead of a round ball. It will gradually grow to inhabit most of your pelvis and abdomen. While this happens your organs, including your intestines get pushed to the sides. By this point in time you will likely be showing a little bit, though some women are still able to hide their pregnancies for many weeks to come.

By pregnancy at 17 weeks your uterus should now be about 1.5 to 2 inches below your bellybutton, so you should be showing a little in your lower abdomen.

Changes in You
You are probably steadily gaining some weight by 17 weeks pregnant. Most women welcome the feel of their baby moving by this week in pregnancy, but movements are still fairly erratic and won't seem regular for a few more weeks.

You may be having more vaginal discharge now. Many women have more vaginal discharge during pregnancy. The increased vaginal discharge is referred to as leucorrhoea, it is odorless and a milky or clear color that is normal during pregnancy. Part of the reason you produce more is your body's increased estrogen production and more blood flow in the genital area.

You will actually notice even more vaginal discharge during the latter half of your pregnancy. Sometimes it is difficult to discern whether you are leaking discharge or amniotic fluid. Typically amniotic fluid will be more clear and abundant. If you are not certain if your discharge is normal, or if it is bloody at all you should contact your healthcare provider right away, as this might be a sign of pre-term labor.

The best thing to do in order to address excessive vaginal discharge is wear panty liners to absorb it. Tampons aren't safe to use. Avoid douching as well, as this can introduce air into the vagina, which may seriously complicate your pregnancy. Douching can also increase your risk of contracting vaginal infections or vaginitis.

If you are having discharge that is accompanied by itching or burning you might have a yeast infection. Foul smelling discharge may also be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection or other vaginal disorder. It is important that you contact your health care provider if you think you may be suffering from any of these conditions so you can acquire the appropriate treatment.

It is important if you work in a stressful environment that you start taking measures to reduce your stress level. Stress can have a devastating impact on pregnancy and childbirth. There are actually some studies that suggest that stress can contribute to complications during pregnancy, including preterm labor. Some studies have also indicated that high levels of stress particularly between weeks 18 and 20 can result in higher levels of a hormone called corticotropin-releasing hormone, which has been linked to preterm labor. This hormone may promote your body to release prostaglandins, which may result in contractions. Thus it is critical you do everything possible to limit your stress whenever possible.

Some stress simply can't be avoided. However there are many things you can do to cope with the ordinary stress that occurs in life during pregnancy. The most important things for you to do include taking care of yourself, resting as much as possible and taking the time to exercise when you can.

Remember that stress can also cause you to behave erratically, particularly during pregnancy. If you find yourself overly worried, talk to your healthcare provider. They might recommend some classes for you to take to help you cope with your situation. Prenatal yoga and meditation are two wonderful alternatives for dealing with stress during pregnancy. Be sure you also communicate your needs to your partner who can help you relax and address unnecessary stress during pregnancy.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 16

How Big is the Baby at 16 Weeks Pregnant?
Your baby is even larger by pregnancy week 16, a little over 4.5 inches long, and probably weighs close to 3.5 ounces.
Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby is planning on doing some major growing in the next few weeks. By pregnancy 16 weeks she'll be able to hold her head slightly straighter, and her eyes are finally moving into their final position in the front of the head. The ears are doing the same, and now your baby is focusing her attention on complicated circulatory matters. Your baby's heart is pumping 25 quarts of blood every day, not bad for someone smaller than a grapefruit!

Your baby is also starting to grow hair and will continue to do so as you
continue your pregnancy week by week. You won't be able to tell what color hair your baby has until after birth, and even then your baby's hair may fall out and change colors completely at least once during the first few months of life! The same is true of our baby's eye color. Some baby's are born with blue eyes that gradually turn darker during the first couple of months of life!

By pregnancy week 16 the umbilical cord is now firmly attached to your baby's belly as well, providing numerous nutrients to your little one. At this point in time your baby's legs are starting to grow longer than the arms!

Your Growth and Development
You should no longer have a discernable waist by pregnancy 16 weeks. Don't fret; it will come back some day. Most women revel in their blossoming roundness. While you are not huge by any stretch of the imagination, you are starting to look more and more pregnant each and every day. By now you might consider shopping for some maternity clothes, though you may not be able to fill them out for a few more weeks. Some stores offer maternity clothes in varying sizes that can accommodate second vs. third trimester babies.

Your maternity size will generally correspond with the size you were before you got pregnant, provided you have not gained an unusual amount of weight.

Changes in You
Perhaps the most exciting part of pregnancy is feeling your baby move. You might be able to discern tiny movements by pregnancy week 16. Many women have described this feeling as akin to butterflies fluttering away in the stomach at 16 weeks pregnant though some will feel this later. At first you might dismiss this feeling as gas, but watch out, your baby is actually swimming up a storm!

Even at 16 weeks pregnant not all women will feel their baby's movement, so don't panic if you don't recognize your baby's movements during pregnancy at 16 weeks. It may take a few more weeks before you feel the first fluttering of your baby. If this is not your first baby, you are more likely to feel movement early on in the pregnancy.

Some time between weeks 16 and 18 you will undergo an alpha-fetoprotein test (AFP). This is a protein that comes from fetal urine and resides in the amniotic fluid. Your physician can measure the amount of AFP in the amniotic fluid with a simple blood test.

High levels of AFP can indicate a problem with the fetus, including an elevated risk for spinal cord problems the two most common of which include a condition called Spina Bifida, which involves the central nervous system or Down Syndrome, which involves an abnormal number of chromosomes. An abnormal test does not mean that there is something wrong with the fetus; it simply indicates to your healthcare provider that something might be awry. If your AFP test comes back positive your physician might order an amniocentesis or ultrasound to confirm a diagnosis.

An amniocentesis is one of the more common genetic tests performed to test for chromosomal abnormalities and genetic birth defects. Your healthcare provider will use an ultrasound to guide a thin needle through the abdomen and withdraw a small amount of amniotic fluid. There is a small risk of miscarriage, spotting or leaking of amniotic fluid associated with the procedure. An amniocentesis can among other things confirm the sex of your baby. It is far more accurate than an ultrasound because it measures the genetic components that determine whether your baby is a boy or a girl. It is not routinely used however simply to determine sex, because the procedure is considered somewhat risky.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Amniotic Fluid Test

I am now 16 weeks of pregnancy. The doctor suggests me to have amniotic fluid test. This test will help me to know if my baby is OK or not. I really want to do this test is because I took so many pills during pregnancy.

At that time, I did not even know I was pregnant, so I took some loosing weight pills, acne pills and constipation pills.I do not know these things are right for the baby or not. For my security and for the baby health, I need to check if I am OK.

The doctor also suggests me that because I am older now, it is good for me to take this test. The problem is that the insurance company in Taiwan do not pay for this fees. I have to pay it myself.We have schedule on Monday morning. I could not even sleep on Sunday night. I was awake and waiting for the test.
On Monday morning at 9:15, I went to see the nurse. The nurse told me to wait a little bit, she needs to prepare things that they need for the test. She told me to pull up my clothing that I can just show my tummy. After that when the doctor came, he saw the baby in ultrasound. He as finding a good position, so he could inject the needles.

The doctor wanted to inject from baby's legs. I do not know if it is secure or not. I asked him so many questions. After that, we were so lucky, baby moved to another place so the doctor could inject form the empty part.

First, the doctor was cleaning my tummy to prevent to have infections. After that he checked again the position of the baby and after that he injected the needles inside.the doctor took 20 cc form my amniotic fluid.

The color of the fluid is kind of yellow like picture above. The test took not even 5 minutes to finish.
After finish the test, the doctor puts and bandaged on my tummy.

I have to wait for 2 to 3 weeks to know the results of the test. The cost of the test is between $6,000 to $8,000 NT dollars. I am hopping everything will be OK.

The nurse also suggests that after the test, I have to lie down and I cannot talk, walk and carry heavy things.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Week 15

How Big is the Baby at 15 Weeks Pregnant?
Your baby is 4 inches long and weighs more than 2.4 ounces now!

Your Baby's Growth and Development

Your baby is growing rapidly as always as you continue your pregnancy week by week journey. You would still be able to see your baby's blood vessels through his paper-thin skin if you were to peek inside your uterus during pregnancy week 15. In fact the vessels forming in your baby's body make him look rather like a map! This week your baby will start producing lanugo, which is fine hair that will cover your baby's body up until a few weeks before birth. Lanugo covers every part of your baby in utero, except for the palms, soles of the feet, lips, penis, nails and inner fingers and toes. Typically babies will shed this hair by the 8th month of pregnancy, but it can persist in some after birth for a short period of time. Pre-term babies are more likely to be born with lanugo than full term babies. Your baby might start sucking his thumb this week.

The bones in your baby's body are also starting to get harder during pregnancy at 15 weeks and will continue to do so throughout your pregnancy. Your baby is spending most of his time practicing breathing, by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. Believe it or not, the very act of doing so will help your baby's air sacs develop during pregnancy. Your baby continues to form taste buds at this point in time.

Your Growth and Development
You should start noticing a more bloated abdomen by pregnancy 15 weeks time. Most women have gained anywhere from five to ten pounds by now. Your uterus has now risen or is starting to rise past your hipbones by pregnancy week 15. Your healthcare provider will be able to actually feel it about three inches or so below your belly button.

Later in your pregnancy your healthcare provider will start taking measurements of your uterus, which they will refer to as the "fundal height". This measurement can help confirm your due date, as it usually correlates with the number of weeks you are pregnant. The fundal height is formally defined as the distance between the top of your uterus and the pubic bone.

Changes in You
At 15 weeks pregnant you are starting to feel more pregnant. Some women start experiencing some unexpected side effects well into their pregnancy. For example, excessive salivation is not uncommon during pregnancy. This is nothing to be alarmed about, though it can be a bit inconvenient at times.

Other women start experiencing more stuffy noses during pregnancy at 15 weeks. This is due to swelling in the mucous membranes of the nose, largely the result of increased hormonal production. You may also find however that you have a cold at 15 weeks pregnant. Pregnant women are more susceptible to common illnesses, in part because their immune systems are compromised during pregnancy. Be sure that you take great care to wash your hands religiously when out in public.

Many women find themselves the victim of an unwanted urinary tract infection during pregnancy. Unfortunately for some this is another unpleasant side effect of pregnancy. Believe it or not urinary tract infections are more common during pregnancy, particularly because the muscles of their ureters are relaxed due to increasing levels of progesterone. The uterus can also compress the ureters causing urine to flow more slowly to the bladder, which can allow bacteria to accumulate. Some women also have more concentrated urine during pregnancy that can contribute to UTI's.

Your healthcare practitioner will actually test your urine for bacteria that is associated with a UTI during your first prenatal visit. Generally most women whose test is negative at this point will not contract a UTI during pregnancy. However, it is possible that you still might. If you have bacteria present during the first prenatal visit, your healthcare provider will likely prescribe antibiotics to help clear it from your system. IT is important that your infection is cleared out. If it is left untreated, there is an increased risk that you will develop a kidney infection during your pregnancy, which can be very serious in some situations.

There are some tell tale signs of a UTI in most women. These include: pain when urinating or burning, lower abdominal pain, a frequent urge to urinate though little comes out, blood in the urine or cloudy urine. The symptoms may be different during pregnancy however, and may include nausea or fever. The symptoms of a kidney infection are more severe, and typically include high fever, pain in the lower back or abdomen and nausea or vomiting.

Fortunately there are many things you can do to help prevent a UTI during pregnancy. These include: drinking at least 10 8-ounce glasses of water ever day, peeing as soon as you feel the urge and wiping yourself from front to back. You can also drink cranberry juice to help discourage bacteria from forming in the urinary tract.

Personal Feelings:
Now, I do not vomit anymore, but I still cannot eat fish. If I heard the word fish, I will be very bad, my stomache will feel bad also. I do not feel heavy in myself. My tummy still is not big enough. Sometimes I am not feeling my baby moving inside of me. I do not know if this is normal is not or not. We will see what the doctor says.