Sunday, November 29, 2009


Andrew is moving all the time in my tummy. No matter what I am doing, he is kicking very hard. I wish I could know what is he doing in my tummy. Every time when I go to see him, he is just playing with his little feet and toes or he will touch his face. It is so funny....


The docotr said my baby is 1,080 kg. I do not know if this size he is too small or not. When Alan was born, he was 2,600 kg. In 7th month period, Andrew is just about one thousand. I really need to eat more for him to grow up bigger. There's three months more to go. Andrew will be born soon, I am planing that in these 7 months, he can grow as big as Alan.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Second Blood Tests

This is Chi Mei Hospital in Tainan city. Here is where I am going to have my second baby. I wish I could have my second baby in USA, but with the economic situation and the new house, I do not think I could go there for the second baby.

I arrived at 7:30 A.M. The blood test is located on the second floor. I thought, I was too early, but there're a lot of people waiting in line already. For this test, I cannot eat for 8 hours before the test. Early in the morning, I wasn't feel hungry but after that, I felt very hungry.

The first test I did was at 7:45 A.M. and after that they gave me two bags of sugar to drink after the first blood test.

The test took entire day. The first two tests will be each 30 minutes. The second test would be at 8;30 A.M. and the third one was at 9:00 A.M. Each blood they took like 30 cc. from my body. After drinking two bags of sugar with two cups of water, I really fell not very comfortable.
This are the first three tests from the same arm. I was hurting too much for doing this.
The last two should be 60 minutes. After one hour, I did the fourth blood test. It was around 10:00 A.M. already. The last test of the day, I did at 11:00 A.M. After that I felt dizzy and very hungry. I really want to eat more and more. I did not have energy for anything else.
After the test, I went to the restaurant which is located closer to the hospital. I had a lot of vegetables and fish with a bowl of rice. I ate my meal which wasn't very cheap. For this meal I spent $90 NT dollars. After eating this, I still felt a little hungry.

I had time before I go back to my school. I bought a drink for Alan and I brought to his chool. I chose the day where I can go to the hospital becuase we were on the midterms exams. I was very glad that I finished my blood test for the day already.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Embarazo y diabetes gestacional

Si no eres diabética y no tienes antecedentes familiares de serlo, pero aún así podrías presentar diabetes gestacional durante el embarazo.

No se sabe por qué ocurre la diabetes gestacional, pero la respuesta podría estar en las hormonas de la placenta que permiten el desarrollo del bebé, que también impiden la acción de la insulina en el cuerpo de la gestante. Esto se llama resistencia a la insulina.

Esta resistencia a la insulina hace que el cuerpo necesite hasta tres veces más insulina. Si no hay insulina suficiente, la glucosa no puede separarse de la sangre y convertirse en energía. La glucosa se acumula en la sangre y puede alcanzar niveles muy altos, a esta condición se le llama hipoglucemia.

Por lo general se presenta en el último trimestre de embarazo, cuando el bebé ya está formado, y por tanto no causa efectos de nacimiento como en el caso de madres que tienen diabetes antes del embarazo.

Sin embargo, si la diabetes gestacional no es controlada a tiempo sí puede llegar a afectar al bebé. La principal consecuencia es que el bebé nazca con exceso de peso, y pueda desarrollar diabetes tipo 2 en la adultez. Es por ésta y ora razones más, que el control prenatal es muy importante.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Andrew 27th Weeks

Tonight, I went to the hospital and the doctor said Andrew is growing very well. He is now 27th week with 1,080 kilograms. He is very big now. My tummy is getting heavier and heavier and it is not only that, my tummy is also getting bigger and bigger, rounder and rounder.

After shower, I need to rub my cream in my stomach, to prevent stretch marks in the future. Also, I am getting tired easily, I want to sleep all the time.

I am hopping that Andrew can get bigger enough, I will eat a lot, so he can grow in my tummy. I am very happy to have this child. He came by surprise and being my lovely son.

The bad news is my sugar is too high, it is 177, the normal is 140 around. The doctor said it is possible to have gestational diabetes. The doctor suggested me to do another compleate blood test. Before the test, I cannot eat for 8 hours.

I am not eating a lot of sugar or cakes, the doctor told me that it is not only that but also, rice, noodles and bread will let me to have a high sugar in my body.

I always think eating or having too much sugar will have diabetes, but I did not even think rice, bread, or noodles will also can have diabetes. It is so scary.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Six Months Tummy

Now, I am six month pregnant. this baby is still small. It is only 1,080 Kg. This baby gives a lot of things. I have acne on my entire face, I have leg cramps at night, I have a lot of water in my legs, and more. The worst thing is acne on my face.

My six months tummy is not big enough. Other people wil have huge tummy now. My tummy is still small.
Here I am pregnant with Adnrew. Alan is taking a picture for me.